Content Promotion Platforms to Help You Grow

You probably know the importance of creating good content in order to grow your home service business website or blog. But you should also know that creating good content is only half the job. Many people hardly have a hard time getting this done. But putting your awesome content in front of your target audience, that’s a challenge many business owners have issues with. Taboola, Outbrain, and RevContent are 3 content promotion platforms to help you expand your reach.

You can have great content sitting on your website or blog, doing nothing. You might think “But its great content people should be interested in it”. Well, they won’t be until they see it. You should never assume that developing good content for your website is enough to get you noticed. Your content should be optimized for search engines and shared on various social media platforms in order to increase its reach and get more people to notice it. But even then, it might not be quite enough. Because optimized content still has to compete with many other results on search engines and how far your content goes on social media depends largely on how much followers you have. In essence, you need to do some extra work to get noticed. This is where content promotion platforms come in.

Many social media platforms already offer content promotion services in form of promoted posts and pay per view/click ads. While these are pretty impressive ways of content promotion, you can go the extra mile and reach a much wider audience by making use of other platforms for content promotion as well. Here are 3 popular and effective content promotion platforms that you should consider.


With a potential to reach up to 400 million unique visitors and serving more than 1.5 billion recommendations each month, Taboola is one of your best bets for effective content promotion platforms. Taboola is a cloud-based content marketing and discovery platform which is used by web publishers, media houses, advertisement companies, and businesses for sharing their content across various popular websites and for tracking their reader’s engagement.

This content recommendation tool helps you increase your brand awareness and promote your content by connecting you and your content to the right audience across various platforms. Its social media engagement service allows you to drive views to your content and engage your audience on various social media platforms. Asides this, Taboola also provides in-depth

analysis of your content such as time spent by your audience on reading them in order to be able to learn how to prepare and deliver your content more effectively. Using B2B and B2C targeting tools you can reach a bigger audience and convert more of your leads with Taboola.

Taboola helps you in solving your “Discovery Problem” and is a great way to not just get your content noticed, but can also be of immense benefit in managing your advertising campaigns. Readers can also rate your content, and share them on some other social media channels. Since video contents are one of the most demanded by audiences, Taboola has a strong focus on promoting your video content which is a proven means of reaching a wider target audience.


This is one of the largest content discovery platforms with the potentials of serving as much as 275 billion monthly recommendations and reaching up to 561 million visitors from various regions of the world. Outbrain promotes and delivers relevant content to audiences and also provides data that will help businesses and publishers understand the behavior of their audience.

Outbrain aims to deliver on the promise of bringing audiences and content together with the goal of creating revenue for businesses while delighting the audience and driving engagement. Outbrain’s twin product, Amplify and Engage helps bring marketers and publishers on board into a vibrant marketplace where business can be grown and content can be promoted.

Amplify helps businesses reach their target audience through a flexible, pay-per-click system which promotes and increase web traffic to blog posts, website content of various types and videos. Through this system, you can be sure that you are only paying for views that you are getting through Outbrain. Outbrain also helps you promote your video recommendations by displaying your videos to leading video-content providers as well as using Outbrain’s own API to increase views to your videos.

Outbrain’s discovery modules only showcase the most engaging and valuable content to just the audience that is interested in seeing them and results from using Outbrain can be measured and optimized to your business goals and objectives. It suits all types of business needs and allows you to easily scale your campaigns across the web.  This platform also has advanced conversion tools for setting and reaching user specific goals as well as providing content optimization tool when needed.


Revcontent is one of the fastest growing content recommendation networks that serve as much as 250 billion content recommendations per month. It is one of the best performing content promotion platforms, unlike other platforms that focus on displaying content on a larger number of websites, Revcontent focuses on the most excellent choices out there. It has a reputation of denying up to 98% of publisher sites that apply and only accepts the top marketers in the market such as Forbes, NBC News, and CBS among many others in their class.

Revcontent is one of the most trusted networks in content promotion and advertisement for marketers, websites, and blogs. It offers various tools that make content promotion not only easy but highly effective such as highly responsive web widgets, gallery implementation, infinite scroll and unlimited API customization. One of the most important features of Revcontent is that they only display your ads on trusted and highly effective channels that guarantee maximum views.

Revcontent is highly selective and only focus on outlets that produce premium traffic from their highly engaged users. Publisher sites on Revcontent must fulfill a minimum traffic requirement of 50,000 to 80,000 visits per month. Promoting your content on Revcontent, therefore, means that you are reaching a wider audience and getting better quality traffic and leads

Revcontent uses a sophisticated social-driven algorithm to guarantee audience engagement and maximum returns on investment, by taking into account the behavior of individuals, Revcontent optimize content recommendation so that only those who are most interested in seeing your content are seeing it. it also focuses on improving user experience and thus reducing the bounce rate to a minimum and better audience conversion into loyal customers.

Which Content Promotion Platform is Right for You?

There are a number of other options available to you when it comes to promoting your online content, but these are indeed one of the best of them. They all offer flexible pricing and you only pay for the number of leads they are able to generate for you. All three of them are also trusted brands so you have little or nothing to worry about in terms of genuineness of leads and views generated for you. Always keep in mind that good content isn’t good unless the people it is meant for, see it. So which is right for you? Depends. We encourage you to check out all 3 and see which is the best fit for your home service business!